
Dungeness crab leg meat

It’s that time of year again …SUPER bowl!

This Sunday is going to be about three things and three things only:

  1. Football
  2. Appetizers
  3. Commercials

There will always be a debate on what is the “ultimate super bowl party food”. Chicken wings, chili, pizza, crab cakes, nachos, dry ribs all pose a heavy argument for a top division spot. But one thing is clear though, no super bowl party is complete without a least one kick-ass dip.

So if you want to be the one to bring “the ultimate super bowl party dip” I have just the recipe for you. It will take some time though if you want to serve it the way it was meant to be served but it’s worth it.

Warm Onion Relish Crab Dip

First make the onion relish. Its time consuming but not much work once all the onions are chopped. This recipe will yield three jars of the relish that you can use for burgers, hotdogs, over cheese, in sandwiches it goes with just about everything. I don’t like onions but I love this relish. It won’t last long that’s for sure!


  • 6 – 8 average sized yellow onions
  • a splash of olive oil
  • 1/2 cup of balsamic vinegar
  • 1 cup of apple cider vinegar
  • 3 tablespoons of grainy mustard (or dijon if you don’t have grainy)
  • a dash of salt
  • a lot of pepper


Method to the Rad-ness:

Slice all the onions and brown them in a big pot with the heated olive oil. Brown them on medium heat. Once brown and soft (about 30 minutes) add the remaining ingredients and let simmer for 90 minutes or until the liquid has reduced to almost nothing and you risk burning the onions.

Put the onions in warm sterilized jars, tighten the lids and then put the jars into a pan filled with simmering water for 20 minutes to ensure the jars seal.

You can store these jars on your shelf until you are ready to use them. Once opened they need to refrigerated though.


Warm Crab Dip



  • 1 cup of fresh crab meat or a can of Jumbo lump blue crab meat
  • 8 oz of cream cheese (you can use light)
  • 1 cup of sharp cheddar grated
  • 2 heaping tablespoons of onion relish
  • 1/2 jalapeno minced
  • 1/4 cup of onion relish for garnish


Method to the Rad-ness:


Preheat your oven to 325* F. Mix the cream cheese, 1/2 of the cheddar cheese, onion relish and the jalapeno together. Lightly fold in the crab meat. In a small baking casserole dish put the mixture in and sprinkle the top with the remaining cheese.

Bake for 20 minutes or until the goodness starts oozing through the bubbles.

I like to add more onion relish on top before serving or you could put some in a side dish.

 Serve this with a fresh baguette or french bread and you will be the favorite of the party!


Best Warm Crab Dip
If you want to be the one to bring “the ultimate super bowl party dip” I have just the recipe for you.
: Appetizer
: 8
  • 1 cup of fresh crab meat or a can of Jumbo lump blue crab meat
  • 8 oz of cream cheese (you can use light)
  • 1 cup of sharp cheddar grated
  • 2 heaping tablespoons of onion relish
  • ½ jalapeno minced
  • ¼ cup of onion relish for garnish
Method to the Rad-ness
  1. Preheat your oven to 325* F. Mix the cream cheese, ½ of the cheddar cheese, onion relish and the jalapeno together. Lightly fold in the crab meat. In a small baking casserole dish put the mixture in and sprinkle the top with the remaining cheese.
  2. Bake for 20 minutes or until the goodness starts oozing through the bubbles.
  3. I like to add more onion relish on top before serving or you could put some in a side dish.


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